Jara Rocha

Foto Jara Rocha

Cultural mediator and independent curator, she develops projects at the intersection of humanities, free culture and design. Her main areas of interest are related to the materiality of the present cultures. Her approach to these cultures has three ways: critical thinking, the distributed making and textual logic. She initiated the group  Género y Tecnología  in Medialab-Prado and took care of the experimental school 404: School Not Found  at Intermediate/Matadero in Madrid. She is part of learning and thinking para-academia projects such as The Darmstadt Delegation,  SeminarioEuraca, Relearn Summerschool and the blog Fuera de Clase (Diagonal newspaper). She is also member of Objetologías research group. Her work has been published in different books, academic journals, fanzines and electronic media. Since 2013 she lives between Barcelona, where she teaches in the project programme of the college BAU, and in the MA Investigación y Experimentación en Diseño (Bau-HANGAR); and Brussels, where she collaborates with Constant VZW (Association for Arts and Media).


Línea de investigación

Projects by Researcher @ Hangar

El Interface Manifesto es un proyecto de investigación y escritura colectiva que busca comprender las interfaces como fenómeno cultural central a través del diálogo y la praxis interdisciplinari. El resultado ha sido un manifiesto que quiere enfatizar el aspecto ideológico y la intención política de la interfaz
A partir de tres talleres de discusión colectiva e intercambio de experiencias, se ha creado un documento abierto que proporciona referencias y directrices sobre procesos de investigación interdisciplinar para instituciones, organismos de financiación, investigadores individuales y grupos de investigación interdisciplinares.