Currently doing a Phd in Visual Arts at the Fine Arts School of the University of Brazil. MA in literature studies by the Federal Fluminense University (2014) wit a thesis about the work of the Uruguayan poet Rafael Courtoisie. BA in Portuguese and Spanish Language and Literature by the Mato Grosso State University (2009). In 2014 he started his career as an independent curator after doing some courses at the Visual Arts School of Parque Lage, and also in Rio de Janeiro. He has curated the individual exhibition “El más profundo pensamiento es un corazón latiendo” (The deepest thought is a beating heart) of the brazilian artist Adrianna Eu in 2014; the “Muestra Caleidoscópio” (Kaleidoscope Sample) which brought together videoart works of twelve brazilian artists at the XXXFuorifestival in Pesaro, Italy (2015); the collective exhibition “Comensales. Primer acto: la MESA puesta” (Diner. First act: the table is set up) with the participation of seventeen brazilian and foreign artists at the exhibition space A MESA in Rio de Janeiro (2016); the collective exhibition “Comensales. Segundo acto: a cielo abierto”(Diner. Second act: Open sky), also at A MESA in Rio de Janeiro (2016). The research project for his thesis is based on the relation between the concepts of “work” and “work force” from a marxist perspective in the field of visual arts. Among other things, he is particularly interested in History, Crítics, Theory and Philosophy of Art and Literature, especially in relation with contemporaneity.
Resources by Researcher
Projects by Researcher @ Hangar
Project which recovers one of the art strategies conceived by Lucy Lippard at the end of the 1960s, called “Suitcase shows” which consisted in the act of carrying artworks in her suitcase from one country to another. This project, though, adds to Lippard’ strategy the concept of smuggling and connects it with the idea of threatening borders and their control devices.