María García Ruiz is an artist and researcher with a background in architecture. Her work questions the processes by which both spatial arrangements and their associated imaginaries are generated. From there she develops mainly three lines of research: one on the landscape, the relationship between the gaze, space and technology; another on the architecture of bodies in movement; and a third on the territorialities (and deterritorialisations) of flamenco.
She is currently completing a PhD at the Department of Philosophy at the UAB, forming part of GEARAD (Grup d’Estètica Aplicada en Recerca Artística i en Disseny). She has been part of the group of artists and curators led by Iris Dressler and Hans D. Christ who curated “Actually, the Dead Are Not Dead” for the Bergen Assembly 2019 and for the Kunstverein Stuttgart, 2020. She has curated with Pedro G. Romero “Máquinas de vivir. Arquitectura y flamenco en la ocupación y desocupación de espacios” for Centro-Centro and La Virreina Centre de la Imatge (2017-2018) and coordinated the platform “Topografías de la discrepancia urbana” in residence at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge (2016-2017). She has completed a research residency at the MNCARS (2015-2016) and received the MULTIVERSE Grant for creation in video art 2017, the Premi Miquel Casablancas (2016) and the Research and Creation grants from the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya in 2016 and 2018.
Projects by Researcher @ Hangar
#Allure ## (for allusions) is the public program carried out by María García Ruiz within the V Artistic Research Grant Fundación Banco Sabadell – Hangar.