
Title Type Researchers Research field Project
Poster Excelencias Bárbaras article Carla Boserman Cultural production Experimental cultures and material thought: A methodological approach to research in art and design
Postcards Excelencias Bárbaras article Carla Boserman Cultural production Experimental cultures and material thought: A methodological approach to research in art and design
Lightning Studies: Centre for the Translation of Constraints, Conflicts and Contaminations article Renan Laru-an Cultural production Lightning Studies: Centre for the Translation of Constraints, Conflicts and Contaminations
Chemtrails by Manuela Pedrón Nicolau and Jaime González Cela article Jaime González Cela and Manuela Pedrón Nicolau Cultural production Chemtrails
Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa, o: el contrabando como alternativa article Maykson Cardoso Cultural production Hecha la ley, hecha la trampa, or: smuggling as an alternative
Por qué tiene sentido plantearnos nuevos modelos de investigación interdisciplinar article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Critical Thinking On The Web web Research tools
Summary: Methods and Methodologies for Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer WIRKT article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
El entrelazamiento cuántico puede ser una medida del libre albedrío article Research tools
Rigorous Interdisciplinary Pedagogy - five years of ACE article Simon Penny Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Aesthetics of Resistance? Artistic Research as Discipline and Conflict article Research tools
Evaluation Methods of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer Conexiones Improbables article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
La ciencia. Su método y su filosofía. article Research tools
Evaluation Methods of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer Hangar article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research - the culture of science in fiction & fact web Research tools
Evaluation Methods for Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer Arts Santa Monica article Josep Perelló Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Les laboratoires art&science : vers une nouvelle forme de création - [plastik] web Research tools
Evaluation Methods of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer Metamétodos article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Observations on the workshop on interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer article Swen Seebach Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Technoculture and its democratization/ noise, limits and opportunities of the labs article Ramon Sangüesa Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research