Lucía Egaña has a degree in fine arts, a master's degree in documentary and a doctorate in audiovisual communication with a thesis on post-pornography and transfeminism. She is currently part of the academic direction of MACBA Independent Studies Program, where she coordinates the research field of body technologies, and she has recently ended her residency in Hangar art production center.
Her artistic, pedagogical and research practice is closely linked to transfeminism, representation, sexuality, free software, north-south relations and error. She has published two books, Enciclopedia del amor en los tiempos del porno (Cuarto propio, 2014) and Atrincheradas en la carne, readings on post-pornographic practices (Bellaterra, 2017), as well as participating in different anthologies and publications. She is the organizer of the dissident pornography festival Muestra Marrana, is part of the project M.A.M.I. (Museo Arqueológico del Machismo Inmemorial or Musea Antimachista Multi Inteligente, etc.), of the Instituto de Estudios del Porno and of the collectives minipimer.tv, Real Archivo Sudaca and Cooperativa de Técnicas.
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Projects by Researcher @ Hangar
The research explores methodological possibilities in the field of cultural and creative production as well as in militant research, based on the contamination of disciplines and practices. The project aims to "systematize" (the word is uncomfortable and imprecise) methodologies, procedures and scripts that do not have legitimacy or recognition and are not part of the traditional sciences (hard or social).