Vanina Hofman (Buenos Aires, 1978). Researcher and cultural producer oriented to the study of divergent practices of preservation and archiving of media art, and the construction of memory and oblivion in the digital culture. BA in Image and Sound Design at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), she also has a master's degree Master en Comisariado y Prácticas Culturales en Arte y Nuevos medios at MECAD/Universitat Ramon Llull. Her PhD by the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute at UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), where she is currently a researcher in the D-Future project. Since 2006, she has been in charge of the independent space Taxonomedia producing meetings, workshops and seminars in Argentina, Colombia and Spain. She is a member of the Art Matters Lab at Mediaccions (research collective on digital media and culture) at UOC and also a member of the research group, Arte, Arquitectura y Sociedad Digital at UB (Barcelona University). She has collaborated with multiple academic and cultural institutions, including Arts Santa Mònica (where she coordinated the project Híbrids, Converses al Voltat de les Interseccions entre Art, Ciencia, Tecnología i Societat); and the Cátedra UOC-Telefónica in Multimedia Design and Creation - where she coordinates the meeting Art and Design by Other Means: Research Methods and Practices.