Laura Benítez Valero holds a PhD in Philosophy, is a researcher and independent curator. Her research connects philosophy, art(s) and techno-science. Currently her work revolves around the practices of bioart, biohacking, bio-resistance processes, civil biodisobedience and non-human agents. She is a professor of Critical and Cultural Studies at La Massana (Art and Design Centre) and an external professor of Technology at Elisava. She has worked as coordinator at the Institute of Humanities of Barcelona/CCCB. She has been a guest researcher at the Ars Electronica Centre and the MACBA documentation centre. She has also been invited to different international institutions such as Interface Cultures Kunstuniersität Linz, Sónar Festival (Bcn/Hong Kong), Royal Academy of Arts London or University of Puerto Rico. She currently collaborates in different research projects, both academic and regional, and is a regular contributor to Hangar.
Projects by Researcher @ Hangar
Every Tuesday from the 15th of October until the 17th of December at 7pm in Hangar, Laura Benítez moderates a series of open sessions where sharing questions, debates and proposals to elaborate an open protocol for the use of the wetlab.
There is, a Philosophy of “life” in Spinoza; it consist
precisely in denouncing all that separates us from life, all these
transcendent values that are turned against life, these values that
are tied to the conditions and illusions of consciousness.
Every Thursday in May and June at 7 pm, as part of Open Thursdays, Hangar hosts the Spinoza seminar… Open seminar on the philosophical news of Spinoza. The seminar is in charge of Laura Benítez.