
Title Type Researchers Research field Project
Art & Research : A Gathering of Artistic Research: From New Science to Nameless Science web Research tools
Artnodes web Research tools
Critical Thinking On The Web web Research tools - the culture of science in fiction & fact web Research tools
Les laboratoires art&science : vers une nouvelle forme de création - [plastik] web Research tools
TransPlant: My Disease is an Artistic Creation video Quimera Rosa Biohacking TransPlant: My Disease is an Artistic Creation
Inseration of the chip Transplant - video documentation video Quimera Rosa Biohacking TransPlant: My Disease is an Artistic Creation
Evaluation Methods of Interdisciplinary Knowledge Transfer Metamétodos article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Technoculture and its democratization/ noise, limits and opportunities of the labs article Ramon Sangüesa Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
The Structure of Transdisciplinary Research – Six Case Studies article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Toward a Critical Technical Practice/ Lessons Learned in Trying to Reform AI article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Transdisciplinary research in sustainability science/ practice, principles, and challenges article Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Trying to be Calm. Ubiquity, Cognitivism and Embodiment article Simon Penny Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
A propósito de 'Imposturas intelectuales': Una entrevista a Alan Sokal article Research tools
Byte Size Biology JSUR? Yes, sir. article Research tools
El entrelazamiento cuántico puede ser una medida del libre albedrío article Research tools
Aesthetics of Resistance? Artistic Research as Discipline and Conflict article Research tools
La ciencia. Su método y su filosofía. article Research tools
Observations on the workshop on interdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer article Swen Seebach Research tools Protocol for Interdisciplinary Research
Publication of the I Interface Politics Conference article Jorge Luís Marzo, Tere Badia, Clara Piazuelo, Pau Alsina, Laia Blasco-Soplon, Quelic Berga, Lucía Egaña, Iván Paz, Ricardo Iglesias, César Escudero Andaluz , Marcel·lí Antúnez Interface politics Interface Manifesto