Líneas de investigación

Hangar's research line on locative media aims to construct a work environment for reflection, research and exchange about the new georeferenced narrative genres, visual and audio mapping, augmented reality, community participation and social networks. This research line also wants to generate critical thinking in the locative transmedia narratives field and see how the parameter of geoposition may contribute to decentralised shared information.

As art production center Hangar is itself a context for research on creative processes and art objects.

Hangar develops open and copyleft tools and make them available for projects, processes, and interdisciplinary and artistic research communities. These tools can be theoretical or technological and they answer to common problems or questions of one or several collectives. They are developed under a collaborative, open and on process approach which makes possible the transfer of the generated knowledge.



The field where Hangar has developed more applied research projects so far has been in robotics with the development of tailored technological tools for artistic projects. Being Hangar committed to free and accessible hardware and software, this research line explores the possibilities of open tools such as Arduino, Pure Data or Processing for the development of electronics, programming and hardware prototypes according with the needs of the projects of the users of Hangar's interaction lab.

The research projects developed in Hangar in the telepresence field seek to maximise the experimental possibilities of data transmission and reception technologies applied to creativity and test applications used for remote and distributed collective creation. Hangar is interested in projects that are able to question the main concepts regarding how presence is built: perception, senses, interface, control and reality.

The research line on sound experimentation results from the activity of the platform Hangar_sonor. It embraces projects related with technologies and techniques of sound generation, caption, production and reproduction, as well as includes the most experimental contemporary sound creations. This research line is developed in collaboration with Befaco and Orquesta del Caos, both collectives in residence in Hangar, and it also has a collaboration with the MA in Sound Art of the Barcelona University.

Considering the crossed relationship between art and science research, Hangar has developed a specific context for biological exploration. On one hand, it develops projects that occupied the biotechnological techniques as a research mean and use the appropriation of organic materials as an artistic resource to question the processes and achievements in the field of Biotechnology.

The research line Interface Politics includes projects reflecting about the interaction between humans and machines and about the political, social and economical models attached to the technologies that make possible this relation. If the design of a device brings up the theory about the user and his performativity, then identifying some of the factors which cause the theory is one of the ways to identify the tactics and techniques of the design and explore the drive of its operating system.