Professor at the Polytechnique University of Catalonia (UPC), associated researcher in the Center for Organizational Innovation, Columbia University (New York) and Senior Fellow in the Strategic Innovation Lab at Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD), Toronto University(Canada). He coordinates the course in Communication in the first “minor” in ArtScience in Spain. He teaches in the MA in Design at the colleges BAU and Elisava in Barcelona. Member of the research group about art research IMARTE, at UB. PhD in Artificial Intelligence (UPC, 1997) and postgraduated in Science and Technology (UPF, 1997).
He was one the Citilab ideologists and founders, a civic and digital innovation centre, opened in 2007. He cofounded the creative agency La Mandarina de Newton (2010). He leads Equipocafeina, a communication and research platform (2014). One of his main projects is Data Transparency Lab in collaboration with MIT, Mozilla Foundation, Open Data Institute and Telefónica I+D: it gathers researchers, regulators and community leaders from all over the world. Their goal is to develop software which allows users the control of their online personal data.