BA in History of Art by the University of Barcelona and MA in Sociology by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Coordinator of the program Disonancias (Platform for driving open and collaborative innovation between artists and companies) in Catalonia. The AAVC commissioned her the direction of the strategic plan for the R + D + i (Research, Development and Innovation) in the field of the Visual Arts in Catalonia. Researcher on cultural policies, art networks, international cultural cooperation and art research and production. She has also developed her career in Fundación Interarts (Barcelona) and the communication agency Goetzinger + Komplizen (Karlsruhe). Since 2010 until 2018 she was the director of Hangar.
Research field
Resources by Researcher
Projects by Researcher @ Hangar
The interface Manifiesto is a collective research and writing project aiming to understand the interfaces such as central cultural phenomena by dialogue and interdisciplinary praxis.The outcome has been a manifest which highlights the interface's ideological and political aspects.
The protocol document for interdisciplinary research aims to provide useful references and guidelines for institutions, funding bodies, individual researchers and interdisciplinary research groups. The document takes into account a wide number of experiences and visions on interdisciplinary work. It is an open document under ongoing reviewing and discussion.